Monthly Archives: October 2014

YoYo Games Marketplace

Recently, YoYo Games has published its own Marketplace, where Pro Game Maker Studio users (implies having a PRO version or higher) may acquire all kinds of resources, such as images, sounds, fonts, backgrounds and even objects or scripts which may be useful for any application. Likewise, we can publish our own resources so others can benefit from them. We’ve taken a look at it and this is what we have found.

Testing Game Maker on a Tizen Device

When we participated in YoYo Games’ Tizen Game Drive with Go Deeper, one of the requirements was that the game was Tizen certified so we installed the Tizen SDK, configured it to make Game Maker Studio generate the corresponding .tpk file and sent it to the Tizen Store.

The truth is that all the settings were quite simple and the Tizen validation, better than expected. The problem was that the Tizen SDK Emulator didn’t allow us to test the game the way we wanted, so eventually we looked for ways to get a Tizen device.

Go Deeper (v 1.2) – News!

Go Deeper 1.2 is nearly here. In a few days, it will be available in the AppStore and Google Play. Amazon will be our next stop. We have made great efforts to make Go Deeper a better game, collecting a lot of feedback we have been receiving over the months, in and out of stores, especially in events of all kinds.

Here is a list of major improvements and changes made over the first version of Go Deeper in order to make it more competitive, fun and interesting: